Saturday, July 23, 2011

Whitehall, NY to Fort Edward, NY

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Looking north on the Hudson at Fort Edward. This is as far as boats can go on the Hudson River. To continue north, you have to continue on the canal through lock 7 and into the dugout portion of the Champlain Canal.
Looking south on the Hudson and the bridge we came under to Fort Edward

The gazebo on the green along the town dock.

Golden Lily docked at Fort Edward
Covered bridge
Old boat house
Pigs along the canal

Working turn on the cleat, line around the pole

Jim guiding the line up the pole
Entering the lock

                                                              Approaching Lock 12

                                                           Leaving Lock 12 Marina

We awoke at 0530 to get ready to start our locking at 0700 when the locks open. We called Lock 12 for a 7:00 opening. We had 5 locks to do today, 2 up and 3 down. It's a little tricky going down because we usually use a line to wrap around the pole on the lock wall and do a working turn on the center cleat. Jim uses the boat hook to help the line move along and I hold the line. We come into the lock high up and it's hard to reach the pole. So I take the line attached to the mid cleat and walk back to the cockpit where it's lower and easier to get the line around. Jim then backs the boat up so we are at the center of the boat. I use leather sailing gloves for protection, and we both use rubber gloves when there no pole and we have to grab one of the slimy lines hanging on the lock wall. We arrived at Fort Edward at 1130.

The wall here at Fort Edward is the free town dock and is very high. Most boaters have to climb down a ladder to get on and off the boat. We have a very high bow and pilot house entrances, but there was still a 2 1/2 foot step up and down, not easy for Lily. Lucikly we were able to tie up along some steps that reach our pilot house deck. We had to tie a few lines on a bollard and on the railing of the steps! But we have free electric and no charge for the visit, so we will be here 2 days, leaving July 25.

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